By nature, our body is meant to do physical work. Now, because of modern way of life we have deviated from our natural physical activity level. We have become lethargic and physically inactive. This way we have invited a lot of diseases for ourselves.
Studies clearly show that lack of adequate physical activity significantly increase the risk of over weight, obesity and chronic diseases. Regular physic al exercises provide enormous health benefits. Many studies show that regular physical exercise will helps you in the following areas.
1. Improves our chances of living longer
2. Improves our quality of life
3. Reduces the risk of heart disease
4. Brings down high BP and high cholesterol
5. Protects from certain cancers
6. Prevents and controls type II diabetes
7. Reduces the risk of arthritis and alleviates associated symptoms
8. Prevents osteoporosis.
9. Improves mobility and strength in later life
10. Benefits weight reduction and weight management.
very informative