Healthy Lifestyle includes following components
1. Physical exercise
2. Healthy diet
3. Yoga
4. Spiritual Orientation
5. Transcendental meditation
6. Philanthropic activities
It is important to realize here that why this package of 6 different interventions is being advocated. In fact, it can even be more than 7, 8 activities. The number of intervention components is immaterial. It is the way we approach to heal the problem that makes the difference. So, the main issue is the way we approach our lives. Often, nowadays, much health relates research findings are published. However we should remember here, that our life is not uni-dimensional. No individual factor or intervention can operate alone,. And no body organ operates alone. So individual organ or system should not be the target of our interventions if we want to prevent development of non-communicable diseases everything should be viewed in totality. It is not fruitful to just talk about only diet. Other factors are also important for hear disease e.g. obesity, exercise, stress etc. This is why we emphasize a set of interventions to bring about lifestyle change.
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